Sajeeva Vahini
Telugu Bible - పరిశుద్ధ గ్రంథం
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Old Testament
Genesis - ఆదికాండము
Exodus - నిర్గమకాండము
Leviticus - లేవీయకాండము
Numbers - సంఖ్యాకాండము
Deuteronomy - ద్వితీయోపదేశకాండము
Joshua - యెహోషువ
Judges - న్యాయాధిపతులు
Ruth - రూతు
Samuel I- 1 సమూయేలు
Samuel II - 2 సమూయేలు
Kings I - 1 రాజులు
Kings II - 2 రాజులు
Chronicles I - 1 దినవృత్తాంతములు
Chronicles II - 2 దినవృత్తాంతములు
Ezra - ఎజ్రా
Nehemiah - నెహెమ్యా
Esther - ఎస్తేరు
Job - యోబు
Psalms - కీర్తనల గ్రంథము
Proverbs - సామెతలు
Ecclesiastes - ప్రసంగి
Song of Solomon - పరమగీతము
Isaiah - యెషయా
Jeremiah - యిర్మియా
Lamentations - విలాపవాక్యములు
Ezekiel - యెహెఙ్కేలు
Daniel - దానియేలు
Hosea - హోషేయ
Joel - యోవేలు
Amos - ఆమోసు
Obadiah - ఓబద్యా
Jonah - యోనా
Micah - మీకా
Nahum - నహూము
Habakkuk - హబక్కూకు
Zephaniah - జెఫన్యా
Haggai - హగ్గయి
Zechariah - జెకర్యా
Malachi - మలాకీ
New Testament
Matthew - మత్తయి సువార్త
Mark - మార్కు సువార్త
Luke - లూకా సువార్త
John - యోహాను సువార్త
Acts - అపొ. కార్యములు
Romans - రోమీయులకు
Corinthians I - 1 కొరింథీయులకు
Corinthians II - 2 కొరింథీయులకు
Galatians - గలతీయులకు
Ephesians - ఎఫెసీయులకు
Philippians - ఫిలిప్పీయులకు
Colossians - కొలస్సయులకు
Thessalonians I - 1 థెస్సలొనీకయులకు
Thessalonians II - 2 థెస్సలొనీకయులకు
Timothy I - 1 తిమోతికి
Timothy II - 2 తిమోతికి
Titus - తీతుకు
Philemon - ఫిలేమోనుకు
Hebrews - హెబ్రీయులకు
James - యాకోబు
Peter I - 1 పేతురు
Peter II - 2 పేతురు
John I - 1 యోహాను
John II - 2 యోహాను
John III - 3 యోహాను
Judah - యూదా
Revelation - ప్రకటన గ్రంథము
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మన తండ్రి హస్తం
ఒకానొక రోజు ఒక మారు మూల కొండ ప్రాంతంలో కొందరు శాస్త్రవేత్తలు పరిశోధనలు చేస్తూ వున్నారు. అక్కడే వున్న లోయలో, వారికి ఎంతో ఉపయోగపడే కొన్ని అమూల్యమైన మూలికలున్నట్లు కనుగొన్నారు. కాని, అది చాల పెద్ద లోయ. అందువల్ల దానిలోనికి మనషులు దిగడం చాలా కష్టం. ఏం చేయాలో తెలియక ఆలోచిస్తున్న వారికి కొంత దూరంలో ఒక చ...
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మై డియర్ ఫ్రెండ్..
ఈ కథలోని తండ్రి తలపించేది మరేవర్నో కాదు. మన యేసయ్యనే. ఆయన తన ప్రాణంకంటే ఎక్కువగా ప్రేమిస్తూ తన వెలలేని ఆస్తిగా భావిస్తున్న మనలను అగాధలోయల్లాంటి శ్రమల్లో, శోధనల్లో విడిచిపెట్టేసి కునికేవాడు ఎంత మాత్రమూ కాదు. మనం/మనల్ని ఎంతగానో ప్రేమించే తల్లిదండ్రులు కానీ, బంధుమిత్రులు కానీ, స్నేహితులు కా...
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Is it Okay for a Christian to Get a Tattoo?
The Bible says in Leviticus 19:28, Do not cut your bodies for the dead, and do not mark your skin with tattoos. I am the Lord. (NLT) How much clearer can that be? If you are considering the question, To tattoo or not to? I think the more serious questions to ask...
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Find out what the most explosive thing on Earth is!!
It broke a heart, spoilt a relationship, and devastated a family. It ditched the kings, betrayed the wise and upset the Governments. It‟s the highway to hell, the subway to frustration and the central way to self- destruction. It‟s the sword in a murderer‟s hand; acid in the sta...
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Do not act smart (Hypocrisy) before God!
One Sunday morning during service, a 2,000-member congregation was surprised to see two men enter, both covered from head to toe in black and carrying sub-machine guns. One of the men proclaimed, Anyone willing to take a bullet for Christ remain where you are. Imme...
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The 57Cents
A sobbing little girl stood near a small church from which she had been turned away because it was too crowded. I cant go to Sunday School, she sobbed to the pastor as he walked by. Seeing her shabby, unkempt appearance, the pastor guessed the reason and, taking her by ...
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An Unspoken Bible
His name is Bill. He has wild hair, wears a T-shirt with holes in it, jeans and no shoes. This was literally is wardrobe for his entire four years of college. He is brilliant. Kind of esoteric and very, very bright. He became a Christian recently while attending college.
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He Paid the Price
One day Satan and Jesus were having a conversation. Satan had just come from the Garden of Eden, and he was gloating and boasting. Yes, sir, I just caught the world full of people down there. Set me a trap and used bait I knew they couldnt resist. Got em all!
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Mountain Moving Faith
A small congregation in the foothills of the Great Smokies built a new sanctuary on a piece of land willed to them by a church member. Ten days before the new church was to open, the local building inspector informed the pastor that the parking lot was inadequate for the size of the b...
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A Classroom of Angels
A Pastor was speaking about prayer being taken out of public schools. First he said; I get alot of mail taking about God being kicked out of school . Let me tell you, if there is any kicking to be done, God will be the one doing all the kicking. When a Christian child is dropped off at sc...
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Power of Prayer
A farmer had two daughters. The elder one was married to a farmer. The younger daughter was married to a potter. The father used to visit his daughters frequently. During one of his visits, the elder daughter requested him to pray for more frequent rains as their growing crops were badly in nee...
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The Last Tract
Every Sunday afternoon, after the morning service at the church, the Pastor and his eleven year old son would go out into their town and hand out Gospel Tracts.This particular Sunday afternoon, as it came time for the Pastor and his son to go...
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Birds are flying over my head
You cant keep the birds from flying over your head,but you can sure keep them from building a nest in your hair!What we think or the way we think can either steer us towards a positive and productive life or a negative ...
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Interesting things to know about Geese flying high in V Shape..
In the Spring, when we see heading North for the Summer or South in the Fall, flying along in V formation, we might be interestedin knowing what scientists have discovered about why they fly that way.They fly in V shape.. Why ?
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Foot Steps
Once a brother and sister were lost in the jungle while they were playing. They separated after a short while. The sister and brother were crying as they lost. At last the sister got to know the house after seeing a lamp. She got the way. But she was thinking of her brother who ...
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Thanks Giving
Son! thank GOD before having your food. This is what mother says every time to Johnny, but Johnny hurriedly eats up without remembering GOD.Suddenly they heard a beggar begging for food. Johnnys mother got up from the dining table asked the beggar to come into t...
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Anger and its result
We all know very well about Cain and Abel. They both brought their offerings to the Lord.The LORD looked with favor on Abel and his offering, but on Cain and his offering he did not look with favor. So Cain was very angry, and his face was downcast. – Genesis 4:4-5&n...
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Happiness after Sorrow - The Story of Tea Cup
Then I knew there wasnt any hope. I would never make it. I was ready to give up. But the door opened and he took me out and placed me on the shelf. One hour later he handed me a mirror and said, Look at yourself. And I did. I said, Thats not me; that couldnt be me. Its beautiful. Im beautiful.<...
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The Son
A wealthy man and his son loved to collect rare works of art. They had Everything in their collection, from Picasso to Raphael. They would often sit together and admire the great works of art. When the Viet Nam conflict broke out, the son went to ...
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Crossing the Water
A farmers daughter duty was to carry fresh milk to customers in various villages had, one of whom was a priest. To reach his house, the milkmaid had to cross a good-sized stream. People crossed it by a sort of ferry raft, for a small fee. One day the priest,...
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Gods Love
Once there was a king in the town. The minister who was under the king heard about the love of Jesus, believed in him and became a christian. Since then he was sharing the love of Jesus with everyone. The king after hearing about Jesus asked minister, if at all Jesus is GOD, to save the s...
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The Story About - How Satan Works
Once upon a time there lived 4 Oxen in a forest. One Day when those Oxen were grazing grass, a lion came there and thought of killing them. As the oxen were at the same place, lion was thinking what to do so that it can have a feast. And soon a cunning fox came there.
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The Tale of the Three Trees
This is the story about 3 young trees living in a forest. Each of them held a dream in their heart about what they wanted to be when they grew up. Thefirst tree said, I want to be crafted into a treasure chest, keeping the most precious of treasures. Storing beautiful, glittering gems, jew...
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The Sands of Forgiveness
A story tells that two friends were walking through the desert. During some point of the journey they had an argument, and one friend slapped the other one in the face.The one who got slapped was hurt, but without saying anything, wrote in the sand:<...
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అంతం - its not an end
నేను ఒక పెద్ద doctor అవ్వాలి లేక engineer అవ్వాలి. నేను బాగా డబ్బులు సంపాదించి పెద్ద ఇల్లు కట్టుకొని మంచి car కొనుక్కోవాలి, exact ఇవే కాకపోయినా ఏదో ఒక రోజు ఏదో ఒకటి కొనుక్కోవాలి, కొనివ్వాలి లేదా ఎక్కడికైనా వెళ్ళాలి, ఉండాలి. ఇలా చిన్నదో పెద్దదో ఏదో ఒక ఆశ ఎంత వద్దన్నా ఎంత ఆపుకున్నా తప్పకుండ మనసులో ...
Rani Pradeepa G - Sajeeva Vahini Feb - Mar 2011 Vol 1 - Issue 3
నువ్వు - its not you
Final Interview, leak అయిన Question Paper, రెండే questions. ఎప్పటినుండో తెలిసిన answers.. ఇది situation. ఇలాంటి interview pass కాలేనివాళ్ళు కూడా ఉంటారా అని అనిపిస్తుంది కదూ, సరే face చేయగలవా అని నిన్నడిగితే నీ answer??దేవుడు నిన్ను create చేసాడు అని నీకు తెలుసు, కాని ఎందుకు crea...
Rani Pradeepa G - Sajeeva Vahini Dec - Jan 2010 Vol 1 - Issue 2